我一個認證用 app 被說含有性暗示內容所以調整 rating,但因為他是認證用 app 所以根本沒有任何內容;寫信去問得到這樣的回答:
We have reviewed your appeal and will not be reverting the content rating of your app. This decision is final and we will not be responding to any additional emails regarding this removal.
We are unable to comment further on the specific basis for this change or provide guidance on bringing future versions of your app into policy compliance. Instead, please reference the initial notification email from Google Play.
Please note that multiple violations may result in a suspension of your Google Play Developer account. Before uploading any new applications, please review the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.
東西上 Google Play 真的要小心這個亂七八糟的審查機制 -_-