2014年8月15日 星期五

子午播放器遭到 Google Play 下架

8/15 9:26 修正
我剛剛檢查信箱發現 9 天前 Google Play Team 有先寄警告信函,可是我當時開完刀住院在靜養,GMail 把那封信丟到最新快訊裡面我沒收到......orz

8/17 9:04 編輯
透過 Google 其他 team 的接洽後現在復活了,立刻把說明文字改掉。希望以後不要再遇到類似的事情。
Google Play 以前只是不審,現在是很擅長把開發者趕走。

謹此通知您,您的應用程式 Meridian Player Transcend (套件 ID:org.iii.romulus.meridian) 已從 Google Play 商店中移除。
  • 請勿張貼重複的內容。
  • 應用程式的說明、名稱或中繼資料中,請勿使用與內容無關的字詞,同時請避免出現濫填關鍵字的情形。
  • 應用程式說明不得誤導使用者,或充滿關鍵字以意圖操控商店搜尋結果的排名或關聯性。
我們會將所有違反規定的行為記錄下來,一旦您出現嚴重或一再違規的情況,我們將終止您的開發人員帳戶,並對相關的 Google 帳戶進行調查,亦可能終止該帳戶。
如果您對於這樣的下架處理方式有所疑慮,並認為我們的判斷有誤,請參閱這篇 Google Play 說明中心文章,以尋求更多相關資訊。
Google Play 小組敬上
This is a notification that your application, Meridian Player Transcend, with package ID org.iii.romulus.meridian, has been removed from the Google Play Store.
REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of the spam provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the keyword spam policy help article for more information.
  • Do not engage in "keyword stuffing" by loading app descriptions with keywords out of context
  • Do not use irrelevant, misleading, or excessive keywords in apps descriptions, titles, or metadata.
All violations are tracked. Serious or repeated violations of any nature will result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and payment transaction fees) from you.
If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a policy compliant version of your application as a new package name. Before uploading any new applications, please review the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.
If you feel we have made this determination in error, you can visit the Google Play Help Center article for additional information regarding this removal.
The Google Play Team

所謂的 spam 是這樣子:

The video and music player with most customizable space.
Convenient gestures to control.
Advanced media folder settings, you can set including and excluding folders -- in ANY DEPTH. Not only one level under /sdcard now.
PlayQ rather than playlists, can handle videos, musics, and their MIXTURE. Also, you can put a folder, an artist, an album or like that into a PlayQ.

Other features:
- Music tag editing (mp3, flac, ogg, mp4 audio, etc.)
- .srt subtitle support
- Song rating, can synchronize with PC in Pro version
- Play video as music, for your music videos
- Toolkit to rescan SD card, clean media database
- Folder browsing and index browsing
- Customizable tabs
...and more.

Search keyword: Music Player, Video Player, Meridian Player, PlayQ, Customize, Audiobook



Thank you for your note.

We have reviewed your appeal and will not be reinstating your app. This decision is final and we will not be responding to any additional emails regarding this removal.

If your account is still in good standing and the nature of your app allows for republishing you may consider releasing a new, policy compliant version of your app to Google Play under a new package name. We are unable to comment further on the specific policy basis for this removal or provide guidance on bringing future versions of your app into policy compliance. Instead, please reference the REASON FOR REMOVAL in the initial notification email from Google Play.

Please note that additional violations may result in a suspension of your Google Play Developer account.

The Google Play Team

等於直接宣告死刑,然後這個是標準的 copy paste 用回應,因為我之前就在一個認證 app 被說有性暗示內容的時候收過這個回應。

