2007年6月24日 星期日

The Yankees keep losing close games

Update to 6/24:

Split / W-L / RS-RA / WP
One Run / 4-12 / 63-71 / .250
2-3 Runs / 6-14 / 87-103 / .300
4 Runs / 8-4 / 76-60 / .667
Blowouts / 18-6 / 170-95 / .750 (5+ Run Difference)

I have totally no idea about this crap. I only know if they continue losing this way, I'd better become a Dodgers fan.
Oh, but I really hate Dodgers' lineup. Maybe I can buy MLB.TV and become a Devil-Ray fan or Redsox fan. Let's go Dice-K! Let's go Lugo!

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

那我可能會加入天使俱樂部吧= =

Romulus 提到...


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